Admission criteria
Admission conditions are stated in Art. 6 of the CPIC Statutes:
Art. 6 Active beneficiaries
Any conference interpreter who is a member of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) or who works for the organizations with which AIIC has concluded an agreement, that is, the agreement sector*, may be a beneficiary. The Foundation Board may, however, admit as beneficiary of the Fund any interpreter who, even though he or she does not meet the above conditions, presents the required proof that he or she exercises the profession of conference interpreter.
*European Communities, Coordinated Organisations, United Nations organisations, WCO, Interpol, GUFs.
How to join
Bank transfer
Beneficiary: CPIC – 51, rue du Stand – Postal Box 5683 – CH-1211 Geneva 11
Beneficiary’s account number (IBAN): CH4308760000008569100
Beneficiary’s bank: Lombard Odier & Cie SA, Geneva
Clearing : 8760
Reference: “admission fee for Mr, Mrs or Ms…, I….”
Postal payment
Postal Account: 12-2150-0, Lombard Odier & Cie SA, Geneva
In favour of CPIC
Account number (IBAN): CH4308760000008569100
Reference: “admission fee for Mr, Mrs or Ms…”
Bank cheque
In favour of CPIC
Membership applications are registered the first day of each month. Please inform your employers that you have chosen CPIC for the payment of your contributions.